Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pictures from Westfield Blue Babe Ruth Game

Tommy Summers looks to start a rally

Scott Tupper refrains from offering on a high pitch

Brett Robertshaw draws a walk

Chris Rinaldi scores a run

Eric Varakian rips a single

Chris Rinaldi receives the throw and...

applies the tag

Nick Mele before his shot to deep center

Nick guards the plate and...

holds onto the throw

Chris R following his throw

Vin Difilippo prepares to throw a strike

Vin slaps a ball to the left side

Eric doesn't like this pitch...

or this one!

Eric sees one he likes

Chris Boutsikaris scores a run

Boots rips a single

Devin Anderson with a powerful swing

Brett Robertshaw with a huge double play

Vin fouls one back

All pictures courtesy of Dave Corbin from The Westfield Leader

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