Friday, June 20, 2008

Pictures from Long Hill Game

Devin, Boots and Nick having fun

Hopper, Deven, Boots and Ethan

Chris R doing his best imitation of the coach

Vincent fires a strike

Boots getting ready

Nick locks in on a pitch

Chris R looking for something to drive

Eric just before his bomb to center

Devin helping the ump understand it was an inside pitch

Brett lines an RBI single

Meeting to discuss defensive strategy

Boots lifts one to left field

Vincent keeps his hot bat going

Tommy lining one of his two singles

Boots firing a strike

"Mariano" Varano just before he got robbed by Hill's SS

Hopper singles to left

Scott drives a single to right

The Tuppers, minus Scott

The fans keeping a close eye on Kimmy D.

Mariano Varano prepares to throw his deadly cutter

Ethan keeps the Hill batters off balance with a change-up

Ethan delivering a strike

Pictures courtesy of James Murray

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